Morning Light*
9” x 12” Watercolor & Ink original
*(frame and matt not included)
I was determined to get out and paint that morning at 7:30 am. The light of the early morning sun was capturing the many gardens in my neighborhood. The yellow of this fire hydrant seemed to be making its own statement. If I didn’t know better, I’d thought it was trying to compete with the sweet garden it shared the yard alongside!
9” x 12” Watercolor & Ink original
*(frame and matt not included)
I was determined to get out and paint that morning at 7:30 am. The light of the early morning sun was capturing the many gardens in my neighborhood. The yellow of this fire hydrant seemed to be making its own statement. If I didn’t know better, I’d thought it was trying to compete with the sweet garden it shared the yard alongside!
9” x 12” Watercolor & Ink original
*(frame and matt not included)
I was determined to get out and paint that morning at 7:30 am. The light of the early morning sun was capturing the many gardens in my neighborhood. The yellow of this fire hydrant seemed to be making its own statement. If I didn’t know better, I’d thought it was trying to compete with the sweet garden it shared the yard alongside!