Three Piece Bouquet


Mixed media original on 5/8” canvas; sold as one piece

Piece (I) 12x24; top right (II) 14x11; bottom right (III) 14x11

This fun mixed media piece I painted with acrylic paints and developed from dried palette papers torn and adhered to the canvas; cheese cloth and varied papers.

It can be displayed with or without framing or arranged in varying directions. The tall piece can be displayed on one wall and the other two together on a completely different wall.

Hanging as one design and allowing 2 inches in between each canvas, the total area without a frame is 28” wide by 24” tall.

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Mixed media original on 5/8” canvas; sold as one piece

Piece (I) 12x24; top right (II) 14x11; bottom right (III) 14x11

This fun mixed media piece I painted with acrylic paints and developed from dried palette papers torn and adhered to the canvas; cheese cloth and varied papers.

It can be displayed with or without framing or arranged in varying directions. The tall piece can be displayed on one wall and the other two together on a completely different wall.

Hanging as one design and allowing 2 inches in between each canvas, the total area without a frame is 28” wide by 24” tall.

Mixed media original on 5/8” canvas; sold as one piece

Piece (I) 12x24; top right (II) 14x11; bottom right (III) 14x11

This fun mixed media piece I painted with acrylic paints and developed from dried palette papers torn and adhered to the canvas; cheese cloth and varied papers.

It can be displayed with or without framing or arranged in varying directions. The tall piece can be displayed on one wall and the other two together on a completely different wall.

Hanging as one design and allowing 2 inches in between each canvas, the total area without a frame is 28” wide by 24” tall.

Setting in Pink
The Following I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Juicy Fruit
Grand Design